Meeting Date, Location, and Deadline
Location: Grand Forks, ND
Date: Fri-Sat, April 4-5, 2025
Registration, Abstract and Art Competition Deadline: March 15, 2025
2025 Annual Meeting Registration
Judging form for Oral presentations
News and Announcements
The Annual Meeting of the North Dakota Academy of Science is set for April 4th (5 pm welcome event) and April 5th (8 am-5 pm). The meeting will be held in-person in University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND.
About the Academy
Welcome to the North Dakota Academy of Science. This website serves as the coordinating hub for the Academy.
The North Dakota Academy of Science was founded in 1908. In 1948, the Proceedings of the North Dakota Academy of Science (an annual collection of papers, abstracts, and business of the Academy) was first published. In 1958, the original association became the state's first official science academy.
As the state's science academy, our mission is:
To promote and conduct scientific research and to disseminate scientific knowledge.
To achieve this mission, membership in the Academy is open to all persons who share this stated purpose of the Academy and who are active or interested in some field of scientific endeavor.
President (2024-25)
President-elect (2024-25)
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of North Dakota
Past President (2024-25)
Executive Committee (2023-2024)
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Surojit Gupta
President, North Dakota Academy of Science
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of North Dakota
Grand Forks, ND 58202 USA
Join the Academy Listserv
In order to promote better communication between Academy members, an NDUS LISTSERV ( was established in 2015. Anyone wishing to receive communications from the North Dakota Academy of Science, including information on future Annual Meetings, may subscribe.
To Subscribe – send an email (no subject) as follows:
Body: SUB NDUS-NDACADSCI YourFirstName YourLastName
You will then receive a confirmation email (and any further instructions, if necessary).
To Unsubscribe – send an email (no subject) as follows:
Again, you will receive a confirmation email (and any further instructions, if necessary).
The listserv will be maintained and updated throughout the year. In addition to receiving periodic email from the Academy, one may also send email to all subscribers of the listserv. All communications will be monitored and approved by a moderator for the listserv to avoid the forwarding of any spam or unsolicited emails.
STEM Art and Design Competition - 2025
Please join us for this competition